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4K Ultra HD

Blu Ray

  • Score
    from 7 reviewers
    Review Date:
  • Joker: a bold, disturbing origin story with stunning 4K presentation, yet lacking in extras.

    Joker 4K UHD Blu-ray Front Cover

    Disc Release Date:

  • Video
  • Joker's 4K UHD release dazzles with digitally-shot clarity, striking HDR colors, and lifelike textures, brilliantly capturing Gotham's gritty ambiance.

  • Audio
  • The Dolby Atmos mixes deliver immersive, clear, and expansive soundscapes with detailed environments, nuanced dialogue, and rich bass, enhancing the mood and dynamics of each scene.

  • Extra
  • Joker's 4K release features basic extras: a slim set of featurettes on Phoenix's transformation, film making insights, alternate takes, and a photo gallery, leaving fans craving more depth.

  • Movie
  • Joker is a gritty, deep dive into Arthur Fleck's transformation into Gotham's terrifying anti-hero, masterfully embodied by Joaquin Phoenix.

    Video: 94

    The 4K UHD Blu-ray release of "Joker" utilizes the shooting power of Arri Alexa cameras, varying from 3.4K to an impressive 5.1K resolution, and is presented through a native 4K digital intermediate. Enabling a visual feast that effortlessly captures the gritty aura of Gotham City while harnessing the raw emotional journey of Arthur Fleck. The disc proudly displays this in a 3840 x 2160p resolution with a 1.85:1 aspect ratio, enriched by HDR10 and Dolby Vision, remarkably encapsulating the film's intended desaturated, yet punctuated color scheme—marrying faithfully to the director's vision and cinematographic finesse.

    Detail and texture play pivotal roles in this Ultra HD presentation; from the distinct wear on Arthur's costume to the atmospheric plunge into Gotham's decrepit state, each frame is a testament to the clarity and depth achievable in home media. The superior resolution allows for an immersive experience where even in scenes shrouded in shadows or lit by the harsh, urban lighting, viewers can discern fine details that elevate the storytelling, such as the intricate weave of costumes and the subtle nuances of Phoenix's transformative makeup. The portrayal of color, ranging from subdued to vibrantly thematic, showcases the Dolby Vision's prowess, making certain hues pop amidst the intentionally muted palette.

    Importantly, Warner Bros. has ensured an impeccable encoding using the HEVC/H.265 codec, avoiding any potential pitfalls like banding or compression artifacts that could detract from viewing pleasure. This meticulous care extends to how the film's grain texture—intentionally added to complement its digital origin—is handled, preserving the cinematic integrity without sacrificing crispness. As a result, "Joker's" presence on 4K UHD Blu-ray not only sets a benchmark for non-film releases but offers a comprehensive visual package that rivals, and perhaps surpasses, the theatrical experience with its depth, clarity, and color fidelity, making it a must-see for aficionados of superior home cinema presentations.

    Audio: 93

    The Joker's audio presentation on 4K UHD Blu-Ray is a masterclass in sound design, brilliantly utilizing the English Dolby Atmos track to immerse viewers in the gritty world of Gotham. The mix excels in delivering a balanced and dynamic soundscape that finely blends atmospheric sounds, discrete effects, and Hildur Guðnadóttir's haunting score. The attention to detail in the audio objects placement creates a palpable sense of immersion, especially during the film's more intense sequences such as the subway beatings and climactic riot scenes. These moments are rendered with shocking clarity - from the enveloping ambience of city life to the sudden, thunderous chaos of violence, making each scene feel all the more real and immediate.

    Dolby TrueHD 7.1 support ensures that even without Atmos compatibility, viewers are treated to a high-quality audio experience. The soundstage presented is impressively wide and nuanced, capturing everything from the quiet despair of Arthur Fleck's existence to the anarchic crescendo of his transformation into the titular Joker. Dialogue remains crisply clear across all fronts, seamlessly blending with the carefully curated period music and Guðnadóttir’s evocative score, which is given ample room to breathe and expand within the mix. This soundtrack not only complements the on-screen drama but enhances it, adding a layer of emotional depth and tension.

    Moreover, the mix demonstrates a keen understanding of how to use sound to complement storytelling. Sound effects and music cues are thoughtfully used to enhance the narrative, from subtle background noises that build Gotham’s atmosphere to the aggressive LFE that underscores the film’s more intense moments. These elements work in concert to keep the viewer centered on Fleck’s journey, with every laugh, footstep, and chaotic chorus impeccably reproduced to maintain a stunning level of fidelity and immersion. This technical prowess extends to its support for optional English (SDH) subtitles and various foreign dub options, ensuring accessibility without sacrificing synchronicity or frame placement.

    Extra: 69

    The 4K UHD Blu-ray of "Joker" offers a modest compilation of extras that, while limited, provide a glimpse into the creating process of this cinematic masterpiece. The collection is scarce yet somewhat insightful, comprising mainly of short features like "Becoming Joker," a mere visual transformation of Joaquin Phoenix into the iconic character, and "Joker: Vision & Fury," a more substantial behind-the-scenes look featuring interviews with key cast and crew, including Todd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix, touching upon the film’s inception, character development, and production challenges. Other extras such as "Please Welcome… Joker!" offer different takes on a single scene, showcasing Phoenix's versatile performance, and "Joker: A Chronicle of Chaos," presenting a series of film and behind-the-scenes images set to the film’s score. Each segment, although brief, contributes to understanding the depth and dedication involved in bringing "Joker" to life, despite leaving fans craving more detailed exploration of its creation.

    Extras included in this disc:

    • Joker: Vision & Fury: A making-of featurette highlighting the production journey and creative discussions behind the film.
    • Becoming Joker: Brief footage capturing Joaquin Phoenix's transformation into the Joker.
    • Please Welcome… Joker!: A compilation of various takes from a pivotal scene in the movie.
    • Joker: A Chronicle of Chaos: A montage of images from the film accompanied by the original score.

    Movie: 87

    In the gritty, grimy streets of Gotham City circa 1981, "Joker" embarks on a compelling narrative journey that spotlights society's darkest corners through the eyes of Arthur Fleck, portrayed with haunting brilliance by Joaquin Phoenix. As a mentally unstable and disregarded comedian spiraling into a vortex of revolution and bloody crime, Fleck’s transformation into the Joker becomes a multi-layered investigation into a fractured psyche. This portrayal transcends traditional comic book movie boundaries, positioning the film as both a profound character study and a stark societal critique. The lack of Batman's presence allows for a unique exploration of the Joker's origins, unconstrained by previous adaptations, drawing comparisons to "Taxi Driver" in its dark thematic elements and character-driven focus.

    Shot digitally to capture Gotham’s bleak reality with striking intimacy, "Joker" leverages its modest budget to create a visually compelling, almost claustrophobic atmosphere that amplifies Arthur’s descent. Its 4K UHD presentation retains the film's native resolution, offering an immersive viewing experience that highlights the meticulous production design and somber color palette. The film’s technical merits are undeniable, with a mesmerizing score that accentuates the narrative’s intensity. Despite its R rating and the controversy surrounding its thematic contents, "Joker" boldly steers the comic book genre into uncharted waters, ensuring its position as a cinematic landmark that merits both viewing and scholarly debate.

    Arthur's narrative is laced with profound social commentary, from the suffocating effects of poverty and neglect to the explosive consequences of societal apathy towards mental illness. The film’s astute use of symbolism, particularly the recurring motif of stairs, enriches its thematic depth, illustrating Arthur’s tumultuous journey with poignant clarity. "Joker" does not just present a supervillain's origin; it offers a mirror to our contemporary struggles, forcing audiences to confront uncomfortable truths about fame, violence, and the thin line separating villainy from victimhood. Through Phoenix’s transformative performance, "Joker" achieves a rare feat — an empathetic, yet unsettling portrait of a man who becomes an unwitting symbol of chaos and resistance against a broken system.

    Total: 84

    Todd Phillips' "Joker," co-written with and starring Joaquin Phoenix, presents an origin story far removed from typical comic book fare, embarking on a dark, enthralling journey through a society as broken as its protagonist's mind. This film, a bold departure within the comic book genre, challenges viewers with its complex character study and nuanced political and social messages. The 4K UHD Blu-ray release by Warner Bros. enhances this experience with its reference-quality video showcasing stunning detail, vibrant color representation, and deep blacks, paired with an immersive English Dolby Atmos surround track that captivates with its realism. However, the set's supplemental features feel lackluster, failing to match the presentation's otherwise high standards.

    On a technical level, the 4K disc's Dolby Vision HDR presentation significantly improves over the standard Blu-ray, offering viewers an exceptional visual experience that captures the grit and grime of the city alongside the vividness of Joker's chaotic descent into madness. The audio experience is equally commendable, benefiting from a solid Dolby Atmos track that engulfs the viewer in the film's unsettling atmosphere. However, fans and newcomers alike may find the sparse bonus content a missed opportunity to delve deeper into the film's creation and cultural impact, despite the content's quality.

    Conclusively, "Joker" on 4K UHD Blu-ray is a compelling release that superbly represents the film's visual and auditory essence, albeit with a disappointing array of extra features. The movie itself, with Phoenix's riveting performance and Phillips' daring direction, remains a fascinating and worthwhile exploration of an iconic villain's origins. It's a highly recommended acquisition for those seeking to experience the film in the highest fidelity at home, provided they temper their expectations for behind-the-scenes insights.